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LalitaHindu Goddess of Bliss: “she who plays”

A few words from Lalita Founder & Creator, Rena Andrews

On February 14, 2014, Lalita, Inc. was officially incorporated in California and while the exact date was unintentional, I founded Lalita with the intention of making seductively elegant pieces that could be worn throughout daily life.

Lalita was inspired by the beauty and simplicity found in a vintage garter clip—an ordinary object connecting garments beneath our everyday uniform. Even something so seemingly insignificant could become bold by a revealing gust of wind or the shifting of a stance.

The transformation from the mundane into something alluring is done by bringing forth the subtle seductive energy via an attention to detail, quality, and sensation. All which are characteristics of each handmade Lalita piece.

The spirit of Lalita is in the personal experience and journey of each wearer. Just as the garter joins and secures two separate items of clothing into one, each Lalita piece is imbued with the intention to inspire the wearer to connect to the beauty of their own inner truth— whatever it may be. While the definition of what makes us feel beautiful varies to the individual, the energy generated from that feeling stirs us to radiate and enjoy life along our journey.

Lalita represents a return to the essence of our innate sensuality that is too often encouraged to be buried. Like the Goddess of play Lalita herself, allow your personal piece to invite you back to the carefree days of your childhood or recapture the zing of surprise from that first kiss.

 Life is about perspective.

So I personally invite you to see life through a playful pair of colored lenses again and to embrace all sides of yourself as you walk through this world. Remember, the beauty and radiance you emit will seduce us all.

“Lalita represents a return to the essence of our innate sensuality that is too often encouraged to be buried. Like the Goddess of play Lalita herself, allow your personal piece to invite you back to the carefree days of your childhood or recapture the zing of surprise from that first kiss.


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