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Japanese LingerieK+1% • Made in Japan

It’s that time of the month again. One depressing week…​You unwillingly put on your period pants out of necessity, ​and it just doesn’t feel the same as putting on your favorite lingerie. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine feeling the same excitement as choosing your new bikini, or the satisfaction when you chose your favorite lingerie when you put on your period pants. It just might transform that depressing week in to something you can enjoy.​ The unordinary transforms in to the norm.​ Bringing unwavering joy to those women who keep facing forward.​ For fashionable and functional sanitary lingerie, K +1%.​”Plus 1%​ to your Kirei (Beautiful) and Kawaii (Cute)

月に一度必ず女性に訪れる生理。憂鬱な1週間。手に取るのはいつものお気に入りのランジェリー、 ではなく、まいっか。で手に取る諦めサニタリーショーツ。 ​ 年に数回しか着ない水着を選ぶときのワクワク感や、普段のお気に入りのランジェリーを選ぶときの充実感、いつもと変わらず、嬉しい楽しい気分でサニタリーランジェリーも選べれば、 ただでさえ憂鬱な1週間は、ひとつの楽しみにかわるかもしれない。 生理だからやっとこれが着れる! 非日常を日常に。 いつもと変わらず前を向く女性にいつもと変わらない喜びを。 そんな思いで生まれた、ファッション性と機能性を兼ね備えたサニタリーランジェリー K+1% 2 0 1 8 年 1 0 月 D e b u t です。

K+1% Director

Kjoko Sudoh // スド=キョ=コ

Born in 1981, Kjoko spent her childhood years growing up in various cities throughout Japan until the age of 15, then moved to the US from ages 16 to 18.

Kjoko Sudoh works as a fashion stylist, costume designer, prop stylist, interior coordinator, and her work has been seen in multiple outlets including but not limited to advertisement, commercials and magazines.

Before her current career, Kjoko worked as a professional singer, interior coordinator, graphic designer and brand supervisor. Her diverse and creative experience inspired her to start her own brand K+1% since 2018.

“Imagine feeling the same excitement as choosing your new bikini, or the satisfaction when you chose your favorite lingerie when you put on your period pants. It just might transform that depressing week in to something you can enjoy.​”


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